Zitro have exhibited their new proposal at EXPOJOC for a game for the Spanish market where the star combination of Big Bang and Blackwave has played a special role this year. Those attending also got a look at Zitro’s new Electronic Bingo system in its various forms.
Zitro CEO Sebastián Salat says that “we’ve received a huge crowd of visitors from all over Spain at our stand. Customers, authorities and friends have come along wanting to learn about our proposal for revitalising the sector in Spain and EXPOJOC is a great meeting point for this purpose”.
Manuela Jiménez has made the very best of Zitro’s presence at EXPOJOC, commenting that “Big Bang has been the star product of the season and has captivated all those attending. The results reported in other Spanish Autonomous Communities allow us to anticipate that Bing Bang will be equally successful in the gaming establishments in this Community”.
Zitro has also had a strong presence at the EXPOJOC Congress through its Institutional Relations Director, Cristina García, who will participate in the round table: Gaming Halls vs Bingo Halls – towards a model for an all-in-one locale? As Cristina García points out, “the point of view of the manufacturer of gaming hall and bingo hall machines is that the product must be versatile enough to be used in all types of gaming establishment, but adapted to the particular characteristics of betting and prizes applicable, depending on the type of premises”.