Zitro have received a special visit. The Director General of the Territorial and Local Administration of the Council of Castilla y León, Luis Miguel González Gago, and the Head of Gaming Services, Pilar Delgado, have just paid a visit to Zitro in Barcelona where they were able to see the creative world that lies behind every product.

Accompanied by Zitro CEO Sebastián Salat, Vice President Manuela Jiménez, and Director of Institutional Relations Cristina García, the regulators visited the different departments of Zitro’s R&D Laboratory in Barcelona: these include software development, electronic bingo, Zitro Interactive, quality control, manufacturing, verification and music studios.
Sebastián Salat expressed his “gratitude to the gaming authorities of Castilla y León for demonstrating a commendable interest in learning about Zitro’s centre for the creation of ideas and products”. “It is important for us to show the significant investment we are making in R&D, which translates into a growing number of direct jobs that are badly needed for the economic recovery of our country”.
For her part, Manuela Jiménez said that “with this new encounter with personalities from the country’s gaming authorities, Zitro are once again showing that they are working every day to transform the sector, always concentrating on innovation, technology and research, and looking for the meeting of minds and consensus of all agents concerned”.